The old saying goes "Health is Wealth". But according to me with the rising cost of medical treatment today the saying should be "Manage your medical bills and protect your wealth". With the nuclear family system and modern life style the dilema one would face in the event of getting a major disease or suffering a major injury is unimaginable. Health insurance therefore is no doubt a necessity today to protect one self from financial stress.
On understanding the need ot health inurance. the next step would be how to get the best cover for me and my family members. No doubt group insurance is the best choice. As Iam self employed, I need to compare the products offered by various insurers consodering my needs and premium paying capacity. I must also go through the fine prints to understand thr product.
While selecting the product, iwould look for
1. Low premium.
2. Coverage benefits.
3. Access to doctors, hospitals and other providers.
4. Access to after hours and emergency care.
5, Out of pocket costs [coinsurance, copays and deductibles].
6. Exclusions and limitations.
7. How can i access the services?
8. How to obtain speciality care?
9. How much and sometimes how I pay for the care?
Health insurance thus gives me and my family protection from medical expenses, access to good health care financial freedom and peace of mind.

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